
Pecha Kucha four is number three.

The Paramount here in Wellington hosted the fourth Pecha Kucha in the capital. My third one, and definitely the biggest one of the three. In comparison to Christchurch’s event a fortnight ago what Wellington lacked in intimacy and a sense of belonging it gained in technical superiority (I realise I still haven’t blogged about Chch so rather than try to find my notebook (for the record I am not one of those designers with a Moleskin in my back pocket… am I the only one who thinks the paper is too smooth?) I’ll move on.
Highlights this time include the entertaining scientist Craig Stevens managing to link models of turbulence James Bond and back without missing a beat.
And for you wordies head over to Duncan Sarkies’ site Write Group (or browse through all the other stuff he is known for). As well as writing for the brilliant Flight of the Conchords he is on a mission to make sense of sentences, particularly those in the business/government world. One charming real world example of this was a certificate of achievement to a child in Keystage 3 (or something like that), which means absolutely nothing to anyone, especially for the intended audience (the kid) when the child should have got an award for a bloody good description of a duck. There was more, of course, but that’s it for now.

As an aside can I just rant a bit about the branding of PK itself? In a nutshell: Love the wordmark, hate the Bank Gothic. While not that apparent on the website I do feel a little sorry for each presenter when the introduction slide is such a dog’s breakfast (I’ll try and get a photo of it next time).

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