
Heli Bike challange

Just off to test my bottle on the Benmore Heli Bike challange. 1300 vertical metres descent in the fastest time possible. Whose idea was this? Wish me luck...


Record storm

The great thing about "the worst storm in New Zealand's history" hitting the top of South Island and North Island is the quality of surf we are getting in Christchurch. Last night I had my best surf ever under the setting sun. Two days in a row now. Totally spoilt :)


About the weather

Anyone planning a trip over here, one word of warning: Bring a jacket. A weekend of attention grabbing weather guaranteed to impress. More than our monthly rain quota in one night. Lightning striking homes in New Brighton. 11 metre swells on the Cook Straite. Gales. Flooding. Has anyone seen my summer?
But, then again, last weekend down in Wanaka more than made up for it. Rippon open air festival. 13 hours of live music by some of my favorite Kiwi bands on the edge of the lake, views of the snow capped mountains in the distance. The laid-back horns of Fat Freddies Drop; Break beats of Minuit, and thumping baselines of Shapeshifter into the night, thicker and darker than crude oil. In the darkness of the night no one cared how madly we danced... And all that on top of a night out in Queenstown. So, let rain for a few more days if it must, because I just don't care !



You may have noticed everything is a bit green. Major redesign going on... the search for the holy grail... Blame it on the rainy weekend if you like.