
The You-Knighted-States...

It's interesting to be back, even if only for a short while, to have a first hand experience of what is really going on behind all the smoke and mirrors. And what have I found out? Not much. My most significant impression is that although there are more BlackBerrys than in a pot of homemade jam I have a suspicion that the integration of technology with modern life is very superficial. Maybe I've got it wrong and it is so seamlessly integrated that people don't even realise it's there anymore. At least baseball is still baseball, and the chillidogs still smell better than they taste, afterall this is the real undercoat of America, glossed over with their wifi Starbucks and casual internet connecions at $6 a pop. There are 313 Starbucks in Colorado alone (and I've seen 2 more being built this week). "It has 7,950 U.S. stores — plus 3,275 elsewhere — and an average of five opening every day worldwide. Its long-term goal is 15,000 U.S. stores, 30,000 globally. By contrast, McDonald's has 13,700 U.S. stores, 31,000 globally. It's hard to be an American without stepping in one. Some do every day. And 24% of Starbucks' customers visit 16 times per month. No other fast-food chain posts numbers even close." Source:USA TODAY Personally I am a bit sickened by it. I miss the real NZ cafe experience, with it's real food and real coffee and real people, and I don't even drink coffee. Go figure.


Industry Advice

I have been asked to be part of the Industry Advisory Group for the Design & Arts College of New Zealand. How could I refuse such an offer?


Munuit Rules

Minuit rules. Paul and I got down on the good foot last weekend and this is what we saw.

and, Autumn/winter photos here. It's been a while but you know me. Getting all distracted n'stuff.


Officially Kiwi

Kia ora. Official. Ka kite ano.


How was it for you

Never a dull moment: 4.30pm. Just felt the earth shift. The thrill of living on a fault line where the next big one is over due.
Last night the ever brilliant Minuit brought the house down with a monster set at Ministry, followed by Concord Dawn kicking me in the guts with some of the thickest Drum N Bass I've heard in a while.


Got Wood

Super-stoked with the result of a wee typographic project that I've just finished. Lasers are not just for Dr Evil after all. Got wood?


Flip Grater

Last night I went to the very talented Flip Grater's Cage for a Song album launch. Super-stoked she signed my cd. I see big things ahead for her.



This why I learnt French at school. Who ever you are, thanks.