
Adobe vs Adude

A while back I stumbled across the observation this simple letter change: Adude. And what with CS4 being so similar to C4S (CAS)… I probably had been up too long.


10.7 is Lion

Announcing on the 20th October. 20/10 2010. A coincidence? I think not.


Icebreaker in NYC

First look at brand new Icebreaker store in New York. Part of the work I've been doing for Icebreaker this spring.


Extreme motion mapping

Red Bull Off the planet from ENESS on Vimeo.

Loving the world we live in when something as extreme as big air becomes even more intense when you add layers of live motion graphics. This is by ENESS from Melbourne and it is brilliant.


Night of Sunshine

Just found this design I did that never made the final cut. Still loving it.


Gap's got a (new) logo

Expect to see this down the market for a couple of quid. Next to the Nookia, and other knock-offs. What do you expect… they had it coming.

New Gap logo


Branding is bullshit

As a graphic designer who designs logos and moving images, I do not claim to brand. I create visual identity. Hopefully the identity accurately and effectively represents the organization it was created for. It may contribute to the public’s reaction to the organization, but ultimately, it’s simply the packaging of the sensory components of the consumers’ experience.

The idea of defining a brand as a key to business success is a hollow and, I think, futile endeavor. In spite of how you look or behave, public opinion will shape your brand. I believe that to focus on control of an organization’s brand is a waste of time and effort. Focus on quality products, a positive work environment and exemplary service before, during and after the sale. Your brand will be shaped by that.

More at XK9.


This will change your life

OK, maybe the headline might be a bit strong. Especially if you don't use InDesign everyday. But if you do, you need to get LayoutZone. And best of all it won't cost you a cent.
LayoutZone allows multiple InDesign users to work on different sections of the same page simultaneously and with more control. LayoutZone lets you quickly select several InDesign page elements or frames and automatically convert them to a Placed InDesign file (.indd) for editing outside the master document. Once external editing is complete, a seamless round trip workflow automatically converts the linked InDesign file back into native objects.

See it in action here.