

To everyone involved in the surprise party: THANK YOU. Didn't see that one coming. Felt like I was 6!

one more year

Well, I made it. Thanks for that.


Your vote counts

Did my bit as an honary Kiwi, and voted. Hard to tell if it was for the right person, as I wasn't really folowing all the policies drifing left and right. But duty is duty. The mild winter persisted allowing outdoor persuits and the start of my development as one of the great cinematographers of the modern age. Or not. Time will tell, but so far Sany and I are gettng alon fine. Once I gather my time together I might just update this place and share.

Ronja and I have just returned from a weekend in Dunedin which was pretty cool. Quite laid back, meandering, but that is all I wanted. If you happen to get the chance duck into the museam and head up to the top floor; there's an attic with the craziest collection of animals like a giant down-the-back-of-the-sofa collection.

30 tomorrow. Thirty whats, am still not sure…