
Pecha Kucha at the Hayward

I’m getting a bit out of sequence here, but while everything is still fresh in my mind I’d like to strongly suggest that if you haven’t ever been to a Pecha Kucha event yet you must. It was fascinating stuff. As we are in the midst of London’s Festival of Architecture (with the Hayward’s Psycho Buildings programme) all the talks were architecturally themed, which I was unaware of at the beginning, but glad of mid way through. 20 seconds can be both a lifetime and a flash depending on who is time-lord, and most of the time we were in good hands. I’d love to go in more details about what happened but it will turn into a list, and I wasn’t really taking good notes: Useless Magazine’s funky handmade graphics. The wholesome idea of Edible Estates. The chaps behind the Lift Structure and it’s wonderful quitled graphics, and a pair of French hippy architects whose names I’ve already forgotten, who were sleeping in tents in a derilict area of London to understand the land before erecting their temporary structure.

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