
True Story

I have seen a man
riding a bike
naked with a metal crucifix
tied to his back.
Strapped to the cross
was a naked doll.

True story.

No need to mention the New Year really. It happened as usual. Welcome to oh-six. Anyone want to own up to any New Year resolutions? Anybody? Thought not. This complete overhall of Smoothfluid should not be mistaken for a misguided resolution that comes to you late one night on the way home from a party where the drinks all began with the letter K. Rather it is an attempt to bring everything back into focus. This is what I do. And having done so (OK there might be a link of two that still needs attention, but I do have to sleep you know) I feel more at ease. New projects can be added to the database (and old removed) more easily (thank you Todd Dominey for posting your code, it saved me hours, if not months www.whatdoiknow.org). Mind you, if this is your first visit, and I know there are a few, "Hello." You're going to have to belive me that this version is much better than the last, OK?
So here we are on the staight and narrow, I just hope no one falls off to the side.

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