
Google in an emergency

A handy use for Google Maps for planning an escape route to the impending Tsunami alert here in NZ.

View Tsunami Arrival Times in a larger map

Viewing lounge

Viewing lounge, originally uploaded by smoothfluid.

I love seeing stuff like this. This is at the Wellington Aero Club.


Fire Monster

Fire Monster, originally uploaded by smoothfluid.

The talented EYEQ gifted us a monster piece for our fireplace. Check out more of his stuff on his flickr.



Just discovered the work of Matt Moriarty of Smlfort. How brilliant is this.


10.6 glitches and fixes

It is been a couple of weeks with 10.6 and at I feel that my initial apprehension of upgrading blindly was largely unfounded. That said I did clone my HD before (as I do weekly anyway) and ran TimeMachine (as I do regularly). Justin Case. and here’s what I found.
1/ Freehand MX bombed. Completely. Bounced on the dock a couple of times then nothing. Nada. Zip. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my Adobe stuff, but sometimes FH is better. Much better. It is like my sketch pad before Illustrator, and a future without it was looking pretty bleak. Luckily after an hour or two hunting I found that the problem was because I only has a single user license and as we speak this is a big problem. The solution:
You reboot from a version of 10.5 you have as a backup. (I love you SuperDuper!) (System Preferences>Startup Disc) then open FH. Open FHMX, Help>Transfer Licence>Quit. Open FHMX again and enter a volume license. Let’s be clear; I paid good money for my software and expect it to work when I am. It’s just that the single user license isn’t supported and I have bills to pay and brief to meet. I am not supporting cracked apps at all but if you are in the same situation as me you will need a volume license like this WPD700-59309-14394-64786 to get back on your feet while Adobe sorts things out. Quit FH again and Reboot with your 10.6 Startup Disc. FH is back.
2/ Bold fonts in Firefox having upgraded to 10.6. While not a big problem it was annoying. And the fix for me was quite simple. I figured it was a Firefox issue, but as it happens all I needed to do was purge my font caches. I run Suitcase Fusion 2, so I quit the Core (System Preferences>Fusion Core>Stop). Opened Font Doctor X>Tools>Clear font Caches and restart.
Business as usual.