

It had been agreed that from now on (or at least until I forget) all cities, countries and towns are to be called by their local name. Eating and drinking in Munchen is a dream. The masters of the humble saussage and brewers of kings. Colder than a penguins pocket and with more snow than usual it was a dificult couple of days getting around but worth it.

The views on the bus/train trip from the Czech mountains to M were chocka with snow, and it just kept faling. Everywhere looks great dressed in natures Gucci white, especially the castles of the old city.

London too fails to disapoint at this time of year with its expected grey and weaping skies. But nice to be back, and fun to play tourist for once, going to the theatre, filming pigeons and all that crap.


Czech holiday

Just so you know Czech IS a crazy place and not for the faint-hearted. Weirder than I ever thought possible. The shear amount of snow is almost unreal, as is the cold and the coldness of the people. They are indeed an angry bunch, and they probably have good reason for it. After all, if you drop you keys in a 2m drift outside your car you're bound to be a little upset (or cellphone). Despite social differences we are all still alive - just about.

Our initial introduction to our 'chalet' was bizare to say the least. 6 of us, having been bundled into a Skoda with our gear were left in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road with broken instructions not to lake our bags with us, but instead to walk up this snowy track into the forest, leaving the only signs of life far behind. After 20 minutes of slipping and sliding in the deep snow and growing feelings of unease we did see our house but I imagine that in parallel lives it could have gone the other way.

With promised free ski-busses not existing and local shops not being that local(6km through the forest is still 6km) it took a day or two and some Einsteinian travel plans to feed ourselves. But isn't that what adventures are all about?

The house was shortly nicknamed 'CripVille' as the number of injuries grew. A broken elbow, a busted shoulder, two twisted backs (I claimed one of them) and some of the most toxic footwear you have ever witnessed. However the -12C temperatures and quite regular snowfalls kept our spirits up and as far as I can tell we are all recovering well.

After a mission back to civilization we are about to hit Prague. Got a 1000 krona in my pocket and its no use to us anywhere else. Stand back...