iPod TriPod
The buterfly that stamped
New Look
Some of you may have noticed something different this time. Yup, after years I've changed the template, but this one is off-the-shelf and is like a poke in the eye with a dirty stick. Why Blogger won't let me customise it like before I just don't know. If anyone wants to help me modify the css so my links can be magenta I'd be most grateful. Pesky code is slipperier than a Hungarian jelly-wrestler. Why the change after so long? Well, I've decided to merge my blogs into something altogether more coherent, documenting what floats my boat as I skip about on my merry way.
(Up North © 2006 Smoothfluid Ltd.)
Blue Carpet
The Ford Ka. Oberservation
7 Stories
We'll have no lip here.
Who is Dan Bowskill?
Going going gone
Went to my first Auction today. Got caught up and bought a piece of art for R. Last of the big spenders I am not. Quite fun and must do it again.
Interesting perspective on Brands by Zefrank. Movie here
In summary (if you don't want to watch it, 5 mins or so) The New York Times reports that DNA tests refute claims by creepy-looking football head John Karr that he was involved in the killing of Jon-Benet Ramsey. County district attorney Mary Lacey asked that the arrest warrant be dismissed, saying no evidence has developed, other than his repeated admissions, to place Mr. Karr at the scene of the crime.
What was this man doing? He was trying to leverage popularity by attaching himself to a brand. [the] Jon-Benet brand. It's just not one most people would want to associate themselves with. And it worked! He got a business-class flight out of it, and the overall brand experience now includes his weird head. What do you mean by brand?
A brand is an emotional aftertaste that's conjured up by, but not necessarily dependent on, a series of experiences.
And so he goes on.
To be wanted
Apparently everyone needs design, and therefore everyone needs designers (which, as a designer myself, is comforting to know) or we are in deep sh**. So said the mighty Sir George Cox, Chairman of THE Design Conference at a seminar I went to last night. I am thinking of getting a white van, an 0800 number and a boiler suit for all those design emergencies. He had one or two interesting things to say, but all very non-specific without being too applicable on an individual level, more about large scale business getting out of their ruts and trying new things. Keys in the ashtray perhaps?
True Story
Heard in a cafe up here in the North:
Q: What's the fish?
A: It's battered.
Q: No, what type of fish?
A: I'll just look on the box… No, we don't have any fish.
True story.
Q: What's the fish?
A: It's battered.
Q: No, what type of fish?
A: I'll just look on the box… No, we don't have any fish.
True story.
The Brand Museum
While I would hesitate to call this bizarre collection of paraphernalia and actual museum I still rate it. The madness that possessed someone to horde and collect items that most of us consider as junk most of the time somehow transforms itself into a spooky glimpse into the pantries of days gone by. For us designers there is a mountain of inspiration, in particular watching how a brand such as Johnson's & Johnson's has stayed up to date without really changing year by year, although it has. For the non-designer it might be a expensive trip down memory lane. I hear Smash Mash is about to make a come-back. Full circle. Some of those old washing powders are a million times better than what litters out supermarket shelves nowadays. I say lets bring 'em back!
Time flies with you
Funny how time flies. Even when you are.
NYC was great. Nice to have such a central base to call home (along with the 5 billion or so cockroaches, rats and other less welcome neighbours). This will have to be a highlights show, I'm afraid. So many little details went un-recorded, but it felt appropriate at the time.
Overall impression of the city: more friendly than last time (10 yrs ago)
Overall impression of the people: loud.
Actually (honk) I'll have to add that (honk) of all the (honkhonk) places I have ever been none (honkcrash) have ever been as noisy (bang) as Manhattan (honk). 24/7. Whether it is the roar of the air conditioners at 3am or the power tools destroying the roads and snarling up the traffic causing everyone within 3ft of a horn to feel an unshakable urge to lean on it, you are constantly being assaulted by noise after noise after noise.
That aside there was time for reflection. Actually what I really want to share is the very cool invention/art piece Ummit and I stumbled across. It is called The Lonely Jacket. Made of Velcro© this hooded jacket is designed to change the way we interact with strangers (or to be more specific, strangers also wearing the same jacket). It was a laugh putting it on and pratting about in the gallery, and as a conceptual piece well worth the entry fee (actually it was free but you catch my drift).
Strolling over the Brooklyn Bridge was more interesting than you might expect too.
Boozing on the roof terrace of a bar with a million dollar view; the Chrysler and the Empire States, lit up with their own colour codes, incomprehensible to me but stunning nonetheless.
A home game at Yankee Stadium in the sun, where the chants have a long way to go before they can compete in the international chanting championships.
NYC was great. Nice to have such a central base to call home (along with the 5 billion or so cockroaches, rats and other less welcome neighbours). This will have to be a highlights show, I'm afraid. So many little details went un-recorded, but it felt appropriate at the time.
Overall impression of the city: more friendly than last time (10 yrs ago)
Overall impression of the people: loud.
Actually (honk) I'll have to add that (honk) of all the (honkhonk) places I have ever been none (honkcrash) have ever been as noisy (bang) as Manhattan (honk). 24/7. Whether it is the roar of the air conditioners at 3am or the power tools destroying the roads and snarling up the traffic causing everyone within 3ft of a horn to feel an unshakable urge to lean on it, you are constantly being assaulted by noise after noise after noise.
That aside there was time for reflection. Actually what I really want to share is the very cool invention/art piece Ummit and I stumbled across. It is called The Lonely Jacket. Made of Velcro© this hooded jacket is designed to change the way we interact with strangers (or to be more specific, strangers also wearing the same jacket). It was a laugh putting it on and pratting about in the gallery, and as a conceptual piece well worth the entry fee (actually it was free but you catch my drift).
Strolling over the Brooklyn Bridge was more interesting than you might expect too.
Boozing on the roof terrace of a bar with a million dollar view; the Chrysler and the Empire States, lit up with their own colour codes, incomprehensible to me but stunning nonetheless.
A home game at Yankee Stadium in the sun, where the chants have a long way to go before they can compete in the international chanting championships.
This is federal law
Claims that 'this is federal law' are beginning to bug me. It seems like overkill, after all why not just tell people what you are allowed to do, and what you aren't, and leave it at that. If you're one of those disobedient buggers then 'federal law' or not I very much doubt it makes the slightest difference, and just makes them look like officious arses. Admittedly air travel is getting weirder every day (save for San Francisco, where they managed to mix it up a little and have a bit of a comedy routine: "no waters, gels, toothpaste; ladies, you are allowed your lipstick, guys, this is San Francisco, you are also allowed your lipstick…") and one feels less and less welcome, despite ever increasing travel prices.
Still, welcome to New York! Will let you know what it does.
Still, welcome to New York! Will let you know what it does.
The You-Knighted-States...
It's interesting to be back, even if only for a short while, to have a first hand experience of what is really going on behind all the smoke and mirrors. And what have I found out? Not much. My most significant impression is that although there are more BlackBerrys than in a pot of homemade jam I have a suspicion that the integration of technology with modern life is very superficial. Maybe I've got it wrong and it is so seamlessly integrated that people don't even realise it's there anymore. At least baseball is still baseball, and the chillidogs still smell better than they taste, afterall this is the real undercoat of America, glossed over with their wifi Starbucks and casual internet connecions at $6 a pop. There are 313 Starbucks in Colorado alone (and I've seen 2 more being built this week). "It has 7,950 U.S. stores — plus 3,275 elsewhere — and an average of five opening every day worldwide. Its long-term goal is 15,000 U.S. stores, 30,000 globally. By contrast, McDonald's has 13,700 U.S. stores, 31,000 globally. It's hard to be an American without stepping in one. Some do every day. And 24% of Starbucks' customers visit 16 times per month. No other fast-food chain posts numbers even close." Source:USA TODAY Personally I am a bit sickened by it. I miss the real NZ cafe experience, with it's real food and real coffee and real people, and I don't even drink coffee. Go figure.
Industry Advice
I have been asked to be part of the Industry Advisory Group for the Design & Arts College of New Zealand. How could I refuse such an offer?
Munuit Rules
Minuit rules. Paul and I got down on the good foot last weekend and this is what we saw.
and, Autumn/winter photos here. It's been a while but you know me. Getting all distracted n'stuff.
and, Autumn/winter photos here. It's been a while but you know me. Getting all distracted n'stuff.
How was it for you
Never a dull moment: 4.30pm. Just felt the earth shift. The thrill of living on a fault line where the next big one is over due.
Last night the ever brilliant Minuit brought the house down with a monster set at Ministry, followed by Concord Dawn kicking me in the guts with some of the thickest Drum N Bass I've heard in a while.
Last night the ever brilliant Minuit brought the house down with a monster set at Ministry, followed by Concord Dawn kicking me in the guts with some of the thickest Drum N Bass I've heard in a while.
Flip Grater
Last night I went to the very talented Flip Grater's Cage for a Song album launch. Super-stoked she signed my cd. I see big things ahead for her.
Caspian City
I have just added this to my list of places to go in this lifetime: Caspian City
"Located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Caspian City is clean and stress free place to live or visit. A smaller rural type city of over 1,000 residents boasting many activity centers in town including the Iron County Multi Purpose building/Ice Arena, the renowned Iron County Museum, Apple Blossom Biking and Walking trail, Spring Valley Tubing & Ski hill, and the Caspian Community Center. There is no finer hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, four wheeling, golfing, hiking, or skiing opportunities anywhere in the country. We strive to provide a stress free lifestyle with all the qualities today's families require. In addition, our little city boasts some of the best ethnic cooking in the state."
"Located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Caspian City is clean and stress free place to live or visit. A smaller rural type city of over 1,000 residents boasting many activity centers in town including the Iron County Multi Purpose building/Ice Arena, the renowned Iron County Museum, Apple Blossom Biking and Walking trail, Spring Valley Tubing & Ski hill, and the Caspian Community Center. There is no finer hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, four wheeling, golfing, hiking, or skiing opportunities anywhere in the country. We strive to provide a stress free lifestyle with all the qualities today's families require. In addition, our little city boasts some of the best ethnic cooking in the state."
Changing batteries in the iPod
Anyone have an iPod? Curious how they work? It's old news that the batteries just don't last, and Apple make it almost impossible to remove. Well, the other weekend, with the help of a kit ($50) I operated. It is a brutal procedure that involves more force and swearing than you might expect but it is totally do-able. My battery no longer flakes after 2 hours, and sitting in its Muji case on my desk you'd never know that the equivalent of a colonoscopy with a mallet was conducted. Rock and roll continues.
24 hours cursing Microsoft
I have just spent 24 hours cursing Microsoft. How can anything be SO complicated and yet so stupid? The reason: reinstalling Windows on my PC as it was off to new pastures (I have replaced it with the MacBookPro, which is a just what I dreamed it would be). What with a swathe of viruses swooping in as the version of XP Pro (pro what, I am now asking myself) was pre service pack 1 (let alone 2) left it wide open for all of half an hour and the attack was astounding. Whatismore you can't even re-register your operating system from non-Explorer sites, which we all know, is an unsafe browser, as I found out. So that is it. No more Windows. EVER. Big ups to Eyre for sticking it out last night. Great to see you and Catherine. Next time I am sure it will be warmer. This winter is going to be a long one.
Weather bomb
While most peoples eyes are glued to the World Cup while they sip on an icy beverage in shorts and t's, we, here in little NZ, are freezing out tits off. We have had a couple of 'weather bombs' head our way producing the most snow in 25 years (and this isn't really winter) and they say next week is "going to be shit". If you live in the northern hemisphere and need cooling off have a look at this. Some places have been without power for 5 days now. Not the big smoke of Chch though. Good news for the skifields; Mt Hutt and Mt Dobson are open for action (assuming they can open the access roads that is). For now all the news is football and weather, if you don't get used to it you never will.
Completing a dream job
Ambition is great, as too is the feeling one gets completing a dream job. My first music CD project is completed and available to purchasing at Underground. The hours that went into it have been forgotton being replaced with a warm fuzzy. Hopefully the associated posters will hang on the walls of students bedrooms for many months. Images of it can be found in PRINT.
Inscensent rain is getting a bit boring now stalling outdoor plans. I spent some time in the Alps last weekend recording the first real snow falls of the season. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we get a beauty. It's been too long.
Found this link, and if you like breaks you might too. Minuit Live
Inscensent rain is getting a bit boring now stalling outdoor plans. I spent some time in the Alps last weekend recording the first real snow falls of the season. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we get a beauty. It's been too long.
Found this link, and if you like breaks you might too. Minuit Live
Civil Emergency
Thanks for the 5am Civil Emergency calls warning me about the iminent danger as a tsunami sped my way as I lay cosy in bed. Other than the inhabitants of Gisbourne who had friends and family in the UK who also warned them resulting in a mini migration to the hills the rest of NZ slept. And quite right so, Godzone's not ready to be torn in two. True Tonga had a bit of a rude awakening but nothing here. In fact the only change is that the surf has actually dropped… and I am now a little sleepy. But thanks for looking out for little old me!
Happy Birthday Ronja!
Blogging habits are slack but better late than never, and with that in mind there are some new photos up from my 5 weeks swanning around Europe; namely Munich, The Czech Rebublic and U.K. So much fun, but if you want more information that up here I wouldn't hold your breath…
Anzac weekend brings with it 22 degrees and a chance for my first surf in over 2 months – an absolute treat for sure.
Anzac weekend brings with it 22 degrees and a chance for my first surf in over 2 months – an absolute treat for sure.
It had been agreed that from now on (or at least until I forget) all cities, countries and towns are to be called by their local name. Eating and drinking in Munchen is a dream. The masters of the humble saussage and brewers of kings. Colder than a penguins pocket and with more snow than usual it was a dificult couple of days getting around but worth it.
The views on the bus/train trip from the Czech mountains to M were chocka with snow, and it just kept faling. Everywhere looks great dressed in natures Gucci white, especially the castles of the old city.
London too fails to disapoint at this time of year with its expected grey and weaping skies. But nice to be back, and fun to play tourist for once, going to the theatre, filming pigeons and all that crap.
The views on the bus/train trip from the Czech mountains to M were chocka with snow, and it just kept faling. Everywhere looks great dressed in natures Gucci white, especially the castles of the old city.
London too fails to disapoint at this time of year with its expected grey and weaping skies. But nice to be back, and fun to play tourist for once, going to the theatre, filming pigeons and all that crap.
Czech holiday
Just so you know Czech IS a crazy place and not for the faint-hearted. Weirder than I ever thought possible. The shear amount of snow is almost unreal, as is the cold and the coldness of the people. They are indeed an angry bunch, and they probably have good reason for it. After all, if you drop you keys in a 2m drift outside your car you're bound to be a little upset (or cellphone). Despite social differences we are all still alive - just about.
Our initial introduction to our 'chalet' was bizare to say the least. 6 of us, having been bundled into a Skoda with our gear were left in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road with broken instructions not to lake our bags with us, but instead to walk up this snowy track into the forest, leaving the only signs of life far behind. After 20 minutes of slipping and sliding in the deep snow and growing feelings of unease we did see our house but I imagine that in parallel lives it could have gone the other way.
With promised free ski-busses not existing and local shops not being that local(6km through the forest is still 6km) it took a day or two and some Einsteinian travel plans to feed ourselves. But isn't that what adventures are all about?
The house was shortly nicknamed 'CripVille' as the number of injuries grew. A broken elbow, a busted shoulder, two twisted backs (I claimed one of them) and some of the most toxic footwear you have ever witnessed. However the -12C temperatures and quite regular snowfalls kept our spirits up and as far as I can tell we are all recovering well.
After a mission back to civilization we are about to hit Prague. Got a 1000 krona in my pocket and its no use to us anywhere else. Stand back...
Just so you know Czech IS a crazy place and not for the faint-hearted. Weirder than I ever thought possible. The shear amount of snow is almost unreal, as is the cold and the coldness of the people. They are indeed an angry bunch, and they probably have good reason for it. After all, if you drop you keys in a 2m drift outside your car you're bound to be a little upset (or cellphone). Despite social differences we are all still alive - just about.
Our initial introduction to our 'chalet' was bizare to say the least. 6 of us, having been bundled into a Skoda with our gear were left in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road with broken instructions not to lake our bags with us, but instead to walk up this snowy track into the forest, leaving the only signs of life far behind. After 20 minutes of slipping and sliding in the deep snow and growing feelings of unease we did see our house but I imagine that in parallel lives it could have gone the other way.
With promised free ski-busses not existing and local shops not being that local(6km through the forest is still 6km) it took a day or two and some Einsteinian travel plans to feed ourselves. But isn't that what adventures are all about?
The house was shortly nicknamed 'CripVille' as the number of injuries grew. A broken elbow, a busted shoulder, two twisted backs (I claimed one of them) and some of the most toxic footwear you have ever witnessed. However the -12C temperatures and quite regular snowfalls kept our spirits up and as far as I can tell we are all recovering well.
After a mission back to civilization we are about to hit Prague. Got a 1000 krona in my pocket and its no use to us anywhere else. Stand back...
coldest place on earth
F-f-f-freezing. It's official. Munich is the coldest place on the surface of the earth. Nice though. The massive marathon 28 hours flight was pretty uneventful. The usual being pulled to one side and having my boots checked, and the like. Tomorrow we head to Praque to gather forces before decending on the slopes of the Czech Rebublic. Luckily this trip I haven't suffered any jetlag at all so raring to get those fat 5-40s on. Impressions of Munich: Beautiful women, and smelly. The women that is.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
2 Weekends
No two weekends could be so different. One, a 24 hour marathon photography assignment (true, I slipped away from 11pm - 5am to shut my eyes) and the other a 14 hour music marathon. Rippon has to be one of the best festivals out there. 100% homegrown music set in the most fantastics setting you can imagine... (if you have an idea what it might look like believe me you are wrong). Wanaka. Always fun. And with a great bunch of players too, and a birthday, and wine, and guns, and bows and arrows. Fat Freddys, Shapeshifter, Kora... I will put some photos up one day but don't hold your breath.
The Compendium
I've just received my copy of The Compendium from Switzerland.
It's always nice to be published, espeically in Europe.
Check them out at www.onthecamper.com if you can work out the navigation let me know.
It's always nice to be published, espeically in Europe.
Check them out at www.onthecamper.com if you can work out the navigation let me know.
Faith in humanity (2)
Anyone who knows me well will recall an occasion or two when I have 'misplaced' something, usually my keys or wallet. Once more I have been overwhelmed by the good nature of the people that share this wonderful world. Warren, you are a legend!
After giving Ken a few surf pointers in the morning and a spot of fine dining over in Charteris Bay (thanks Jane) I sped to Arthurs Pass for the night. It was wildly windy so I didn't get as much sleep as I could but what the hell, you are in the mountains, there is a rainbow encapsulating the valley and the promise of sunshine is just around the corner.
The Hawden Valley tramp is a great stroll; a chance to stretch legs that have been cooped up under a desk for too long. It is also a great opportunity to drop your wallet on the banks of the river and wander off without a clue. Imagine my frustration, having torn Heathrow apart (twice) and just about unstitched my pack in an effort to find it. All the stupid places that you check - just in case. As if.
Returning to Chch I canceled my cards and the next day, after work, borrowed some money, filled the car and sped back to the mountains. My plan was to walk the first 20 mins of the track again with my fingers crossed. 2 minutes before cellphone coverage vanishes and the heady peaks tower down on you I get a call saying that a chap found it and is in Chch. So once again Warren, thank you, you little ripper!
After giving Ken a few surf pointers in the morning and a spot of fine dining over in Charteris Bay (thanks Jane) I sped to Arthurs Pass for the night. It was wildly windy so I didn't get as much sleep as I could but what the hell, you are in the mountains, there is a rainbow encapsulating the valley and the promise of sunshine is just around the corner.
The Hawden Valley tramp is a great stroll; a chance to stretch legs that have been cooped up under a desk for too long. It is also a great opportunity to drop your wallet on the banks of the river and wander off without a clue. Imagine my frustration, having torn Heathrow apart (twice) and just about unstitched my pack in an effort to find it. All the stupid places that you check - just in case. As if.
Returning to Chch I canceled my cards and the next day, after work, borrowed some money, filled the car and sped back to the mountains. My plan was to walk the first 20 mins of the track again with my fingers crossed. 2 minutes before cellphone coverage vanishes and the heady peaks tower down on you I get a call saying that a chap found it and is in Chch. So once again Warren, thank you, you little ripper!
True Story
I have seen a man
riding a bike
naked with a metal crucifix
tied to his back.
Strapped to the cross
was a naked doll.
True story.
No need to mention the New Year really. It happened as usual. Welcome to oh-six. Anyone want to own up to any New Year resolutions? Anybody? Thought not. This complete overhall of Smoothfluid should not be mistaken for a misguided resolution that comes to you late one night on the way home from a party where the drinks all began with the letter K. Rather it is an attempt to bring everything back into focus. This is what I do. And having done so (OK there might be a link of two that still needs attention, but I do have to sleep you know) I feel more at ease. New projects can be added to the database (and old removed) more easily (thank you Todd Dominey for posting your code, it saved me hours, if not months www.whatdoiknow.org). Mind you, if this is your first visit, and I know there are a few, "Hello." You're going to have to belive me that this version is much better than the last, OK?
So here we are on the staight and narrow, I just hope no one falls off to the side.
riding a bike
naked with a metal crucifix
tied to his back.
Strapped to the cross
was a naked doll.
True story.
No need to mention the New Year really. It happened as usual. Welcome to oh-six. Anyone want to own up to any New Year resolutions? Anybody? Thought not. This complete overhall of Smoothfluid should not be mistaken for a misguided resolution that comes to you late one night on the way home from a party where the drinks all began with the letter K. Rather it is an attempt to bring everything back into focus. This is what I do. And having done so (OK there might be a link of two that still needs attention, but I do have to sleep you know) I feel more at ease. New projects can be added to the database (and old removed) more easily (thank you Todd Dominey for posting your code, it saved me hours, if not months www.whatdoiknow.org). Mind you, if this is your first visit, and I know there are a few, "Hello." You're going to have to belive me that this version is much better than the last, OK?
So here we are on the staight and narrow, I just hope no one falls off to the side.
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